Serial Communication

Can anyone explain how to connect RS232 DB9 male connector to a PIC via max232 level converter??

I have d circuit diagram for a female converter… Is it same as the female converter?

The pin outs are the same for male and female connectors.


The pin no’s of male connector is counted left to right.

The pin no’s of female connector is counted right to left.

So that is not same i feel. Can u pls post a circuit diagram???

While the contacts are arranged in a different order between male and female dsub connectors, you will see that when they are mated together, pin 1 goes to pin 1, pin 2 goes to pin 2, and so on. This means the pin out is the same for a male connector as it is for a female connector.

Since you have a diagram for the female dsub, wire the male one the same way.


You still need to watch out for the old DTE/DCE issue (the pin is called RXD, but from who’s point of view :slight_smile: ). Make sure one device is transmitting on 2 and listening on 3 while the mate transmits on 3 and listens on 2. The minimal connections needed are pins 2, 3, and 5 (ground).


N1IST is correct, pins 2, 3 and 5 are your minimal connections needed:

Look at it this way…

TX 2 >>>> RX 2
RX 3 <<<< TX 3
GND <<>> GND

The [sparkfun tutorial may help. It is for the atmega, but the max232 circuit will be the same-- just consult your datasheet to connect the appropriate RX/TX pins of the micro-controller.](Beginning Embedded Electronics - 4 - SparkFun Electronics)

The mnemonic I always used is a DTE Transmits on pin Two of a Twenty five pin connector.

Hey, it worked for me :slight_smile: Just remember that pins 2&3 are reversed on 9 pin vs 25 pin.

N1IST is correct, pins 2, 3 and 5 are your minimal connections needed:

Look at it this way…


TX 2 >>>> RX 2
RX 3 <<<< TX 3
GND <<>> GND