SerLCD ADM1602N + Nucleo-L152RE

Hello !

My name is Maxim.

I purchased an ADM1602N SerLCD for my project, but I connect it not to the Arduino, but to the Nucleo-L152RE. Can I get documentation for this LCD screen (datasheet, reference manual and electrical scheme) ?

With my respect,

Maxim … troduction … ng-further

That’s going to be most of what we have (you probably want to look @ 2nd link first)

Thank you very much !

As far as I understand from this circuit diagram at this link, this LCD screen uses two controllers - one is an ATMega328, that receives data via RX, and the second one, that it controls, is the HD44780 controller. And, accordingly, I need to send data to the ATMega328 controller. I’m right ?

That is correct.

Good evening everyone !

Please explain to me how Arduino works with this LCD screen. Does Arduino first load a certain bootloader via this RX leg into the ATMega328 processor? Because simply transmitting characters from my Nucleo board doesn’t work.

If I installed baudrate 9600 and 8N1 package, as well as Single Wire transmission mode on my Nucleo board for USART, then what else could prevent the ATMega328P processor from correctly processing the sent characters?

And further. When I connect the LCD to a voltage of 3.3V, I see the splash logo for half a second, does that mean everything is working properly?

I use a 3-wire cable, which is connected to the SerLCD - 3.3V, GND and RX wires

Why doesn’t anyone answer me? Has Sparkfun developed this SerLCD only for use on Arduino and no other devices?

Should work with any device that sends the correct data. How is the display connected to your device? Have you confirmed your device is actually sending serial data?

I connect this LCD using a cable like in the photo. To send data I use the HAL driver for the Nucleo-L152RE board (HAL_UART_Transmit function).