SerLCD Display blanking out after initialed

The SerLCd 20x4 LCD display does not display and characters after

//Set backlight to bright white

lcd.setBacklight(255, 255, 255);

//Set contrast. Lower to 0 for higher contrast.


// clear the SerLCD and set the cursor position to 0,0


This code is executed none of the lcd.print will display on the screen.

I have tried multiple display with the same result.

Wrote the Hello World example and it works.

Any suggestion on what to ty next.

Share the entire code being used please

Hey @jmcleanjr2021, I just ran into the same problem when mine arrived. I found that the SerLCD doesn’t capture the i2c commands that my MCU immediately sends out after resetting, and this likely includes your first display instruction. Try waiting 500-1000ms after your MCU resets (example: delay(1000)) and then writing some text to the SerLCD––worked for me!