My RTK reference station is just about to go live. Should I enable inbound RTK corrections on the base station using an NTRIP client? I know that u-blox does not recommend using SBAS for time reference stations but I’m not sure about a normal RTK base using RTK corrections. I assume we do since u-blox recommends turning on inbound and outbound RTCM3 protocol on RTK reference stations.
I don’t understand why you would do this? Though I haven’t setup a reference station and there are always things for me to learn.
Since you are setting up a reference station,
presumably you have excellent and very accurate coordinates for your reference station (perhaps you got multiple high quality OPUS solutions and did a weighted mean of the OPUS results?),
you are providing those coordinates to the reference station in the fixed base configuration settings, and
your antenna is physically mounted on a very stable location.
So the base already knows very accurately where it is – you’ve told it where it is! It doesn’t need any help determining its location and you don’t want it recalculating on the fly.