SHTC3 with Mux


I have a “SparkFun Humidity Sensor Breakout - SHTC3 (Qwiic)”

hooked up to a “SparkFun Qwiic Mux Breakout - 8 Channel (TCA9548A)”

The descriptions state that the I2C addresses are both x70.

I am having weird readings when I run the sensor through the mux… To confirm, do I need to change the I2C address on the mux to get it working?

Also related:

The description for the same sparkx version of the humidy/temp sensor states that the address is 0x71… but the datasheet states that the address is hardware defined and is 0x70… is this a typo??

Thanks in advance for your help

Look at viewtopic.php?f=105&t=54277



I still wonder if the 0x71 address noted in the sparkx version is a typo? And should be 0x70? That is confusing me…

I’m using some sparkx versions and am wondering about this. I specifically bought sparkx version to avoid some of these issues so I’m just wondering if I’m doing something wrong or is it an actual typo?

It’s a typo. The data sheet for the SHTC3 clearly shows the address as 0x70


Yep, it is a typo on the SparkX version we will get that fixed shortly.


I got everything wired up and outputting data correctly.

Now if I could only figure out why it all randomly stops working after a while.

Have a nice day.