Although I don’t understand how a blind person perceives braille when they touch it, But I always thought that the finger has to move over them?? If this is not the case, then I can see a MCU controlling some small motors to move some small “buttons” to mimic braille. But the finger would be stationary over the “buttons.” And the device would be rather large. Could be made smaller after prototyped.
Guessing from the few times I’ve paid attention to Braille, I’m sure it could be done with a bunch of solenoids and some music wire to transmit the power to a confined location, but it would help if he clarified.
Just because you can’t find something, doesn’t mean it can’t be done. One day you may find something that has the mechanism that you’re looking for. You could also brainstorm this project, take notes, draw out a mechanisms that comes to mind on a restaurant napkin. I can see this being really popular if you continue and could make some money.
I have some thoughts in mind. I have a 3D printer and can prototype something relatively quick. Of course, I am a mechanic by profession and electronics is just a hobby.
If your POC boils down to being able to move buttons up and down, you don’t need to build an assembly, 6 solenoids will do that easily as long as the movement distance isn’t too far. Those solenoids you linked to will do 4.5mm. Mount 6 of them to a panel and add a power driver and an arduino and you’re set. With the right tools, it’s a Saturday morning project.
I don’t think it’s that simple. Those buttons and solenoids need to be in the area of a finger tip. I doubt those solenoids are that small. Which means that there needs to be a mechanism that can transfer the movement to the button.
I was thinking of a spring loaded button that would be pulled down by a servo, when released, it pop up. This way you could have the servos laying on there side with the buttons attached by a string/cable.
He said it’s just a proof of concept and size and spacing don’t matter.
He also said ...
All I am looking for from this forum is an existing product that I can order online that is a single component - a motor, an air controlled device - anything - that can move something like a button up and down vertically. I can buy six of
them and arrange them.
If I need to spec out and build something out of solenoids and/or motors, then this project is a no-go.
So I'm a tad confused as to whether 6 solenoids pushing piano wires is a go or a no-go.
FWIW I have a very old memory of someone converting a dot matrix printer head into a single digit Braille “writer”. I don’t recall how well received it was.
Dear Codlink, Lyndon, Mee_n_Mac - thank you for all your input and ideas. Yes size & spacing doesn’t matter so the 6 solenoids might work.
This thread was quite useful for me both in determining that there is nothing readily available in the market, and that it’ll have to be built using components like solenoids. Thanks for helping me get a handle on the scope of the project.