simple UART test mega 88, icc-avr

Hi guys,

using icc-avr app-builder I have this code to write something in hyperterminal from the uart port of mega 88. I just wonder why this does not work?

can anyone please suggest?

void main()





//transmit data

while( ! (UCSR0A & ( 1<<UDRE0) ) )


UDR0 = 0x55;



void uart0_init(void)


UCSR0B = 0x00; //disable while setting baud rate

UCSR0A = 0x00;

UCSR0C = 0x06;

UBRR0L = 0x08; //set baud rate lo

UBRR0H = 0x00; //set baud rate hi

UCSR0B = 0xD8;

