Hi All,
I got the SRTR UHF TFID kit and Redboard, both work great with the Sparkfun-Github Arduino library.
I have one query however on writing EPC to RFID tags. Currently I do this once/twice a day by modifying the line in " Example3_Write_EPC.ino":
char hexEPC = {0xFF, 0x2D, 0x03, 0x54};
by inserting the hex values I need.
My problem is I will need to do this about 20 times a day in the future and wonder has anyone managed to send the hex string via serial to the SRTR and have it inserted successfully into hexEPC braces? I know it must be possible but I only get garbled values or ascii.
I’m not a programmer but learned a lot working with the SRTR. If anyone can assist I’d appreciate it