Simultaneous RFID Tag Reader with USB board on pi

I have the Simultaneous RFID Tag Reader with the usb addon board. I created all the steps to allow the mecury api to be used in Python. I have successfully pefromed several steps such as getting region, model. I do a simple read in a loop with a small delay. I might get 1 return from the read but the second gives me a timeout error. Once in awhile I can actually get a tag read and displayed correctly. I am using only the onboard antenna for now.

Additionally, if I don’t use the USB board but go directly from the Pi rx, tx serial, it seems to work correctly.

Where do I start looking?

If ever using the RX/TX on the reader you’ll want to be sure the serial selector switch … e-overview is flipped to HW (RX/TX, see link above and … Reader.pdf for more detail)

What are you using the USB board to do?

I am not quite sure how the hw/sw switch makes any difference. All I see is that it changes the pins used if you are using the reader as a shield on an Arduino. I am not.

The USB board the method to connect to a Raspberry pi with a usb-c to usb cable.

The problem seems to go away if I reduce the baudrate to something like 9600.

I never changed the baudrate on USB and the M6E worked without any problem with the mercury API and Raspberry Pi

You might want to check the FTDI power settings. On a number of the USB/Serial boards, you can change power VCC output between 3V3 and 5V with a solder blob. It has to be 5 volts to work stable. Alternatively, you can try to test and connect:

  • with loose RX/TX /GND wire between de USB/Serial board and connect VCC to the 5V on the Raspberry Pi

  • OR use a LIPO to the M6E directly