My project involves using PWM to control 2 DC motors. On startup, the motors will each slowly spin up to the same pre-determined duty cycle and then the speed will be adjustable via a trim pot and ADC.
Here’s my question: since both DC motors will rotate at the same speed (in opposite directions, though) can I use one PWM output from my Arduino and connect it to the 2 inputs on a SN754110? My motor specs are:
Nominal voltage: 6V
No load current: 20 mA
Current up to (thermal limits): 630 mA
I see this on the SN754410 data sheet:
The design techniques in the following sections may be used for applications which fall within the following requirements.
• 4.5-V minimum and 36-V maximum VCC2 voltage
• 1000-mA or less output current per channel
• 5-V supply with 10% tolerance or less
• TTL compatible logic inputs
I don’t know yet what my current draw is with the motors running at their predetermined speeds yet, so maybe I can use one set of inputs and outputs on the SN754410 if the overall current draw of the two motors is less than 1A.