Sketch not getting uploaded / if uploaded, no Serial Connection

I am working with SparkFun OpenLog Artemis as our IMU for logging the Accelerometer and Gyroscope data.

Arduino IDE is being used to program the Firmware and start the data communication between sensor and device.

Total number of IMU’s = 20 (via 2 USB hubs with 16 IMU’s on one hub and 4 on the other)

Board Manager config: … index.json

Installed board : SparkFun Apollo3 Boards

Selected board : SparkFun RedBoard Artemis

Library : http://librarymanager/All#SparkFun_ICM_20948_IMU

Baud rate : 115200

Bootloader : Ambiq secure bootloader (advanced)

(SparkFun Variable loader always throws an error sying :

/dev/ttyUSB5 is currently open. Please close any other terminal programs that may be using /dev/ttyUSB5 and try again.)

Programmer : Ambiq secure bootloader

Problem : Flashing of Frimware into the IMU’s is quite unreliable.


Successful compilation happens every time but, we are facing issues with Upload.

Upload usually fails in first attempt and might be successful in subsequent attempts.

Moreover, even after successful compilation and upload, there is a problem with serial communication.

Note : We have previously tested for upto 10 IMU’s and it was working fine till then with the same setup.

This is likely secondary to the 2 USB hubs being used…with 16 sensors on one hub it is likely the device tree is running into intermittent polling issues.

What is the problem with serial communication? If <=10 were working previously, perhaps try reverting back and verifying 10 still function as expected? And if so, try placing the other 10 on the other hub, totaling 20?

Hello TS-Russell, thanks for your prompt reply.

We tried replicating this with just a single IMU connected and still facing the same issue.

That USB is the part I find concerning - I would next try using one sensor on an alternate PC/laptop…just the artemis and 1 sensor, and try getting the SparkFun bootloader to function before moving on to further testing. You may need to run an update, re-install drivers, etc