I recently purchased and am working my way through the Inventor’s Kit v4.1 (with the Redboard QWIIC). I’d like to complete all of the “Coding Challenges”, and having access to the solutions would be very helpful in case I run into problems. Are these solutions (or examples of possible solutions, as it’s often open-ended) located anywhere? If not, is this something that will be developed?
I must say, overall, I am very impressed so far with the documentation SparkFun provides.
Unfortunately, there is not a solutions guide to the coding challenges. Most are left open ended for the user to explore and design with creativity. For example, in 1A (LEDs): “Try changing the delays and adding more digitalWrite() commands to make your program blink a message in Morse code.” The solution could have near infinite possible answers. The challenge is for the user to make patterns out of blinking LEDs.
Thank you for your feedback, we sincerely appreciate it. I wish you best of luck in your EE adventures!
Although I understand how your above example would have infinite possibilities, how can we find help with where to insert the appropriate code for the challenges? One example would be for Circuit 1D, the multi-color blink challenge: knowing where in the code to insert the delays and multiple color functions would be helpful. It seems the basic projects are easy to follow and create. The changes necessary to accomplish the challenges are quite a few steps ahead knowledge-wise. Any suggestions?
how can we find help with where to insert the appropriate code for the challenges?
That’s part of the challenge, try different places and see what your results are!