Some website / forum suggestions

Hello! Very new to embedded development and SparkFun. Recently purchased some things to play with and am wanting more. :slight_smile: That brings me to a suggestion that I have: I’d love to see a more powerful product search. Presently, I can’t narrow my search based on the type of product I’m looking for. For example, if I search for ‘temperature’, I get all results across all products, tutorials, and so on. I’d love to be able to narrow that to, for example, QWIIC sensors or RISC-V boards. Given SparkFun has so many products, being able to narrow the search like this would make it easier to find what I’m looking for. One particular item I’d be interested in is filtering results based on whether they are open hardware. I would like to be able to source components for my projects that are all open hardware, but as it is right now I have to open each product page individually to check this.

That brings me to another point: it’d be cool to have a RISC-V subforum under the Development Platforms Discussions forum. It may not be the most popular area of the forum (the AVR subforum has no posts :frowning: ), but posting about things like using Rust with RISC-V feels like it’d be offtopic anywhere else. There is the Red-V RISC-V subforum, but if I want to have a discussion about another board, or RISC-V more generally (e.g. how the embedded-hal crate can better support QWIIC / I2C), there doesn’t seem to be a place to have that discussion on the forums presently.

Thanks for the suggestions! We’ll pass the searching suggestions along to our catalog team and I’ll make a suggestion to create a new RISC-V forum topic.

Have a great day!

We’re currently working on a new search tool for the website. I don’t know exactly when that’s launching but the new tool should will work much better than the existing one. :slight_smile:

Stay tuned!

Hi! It’s been a little while since my first post and I’d like to know if you have an update (even something as coarse as “sometime next year”) for the updated search tool.