Sound detector with Raspberry Pi

Hello everybody !

This is my first post on this forum so tell me if I do something wrong and sorry for my english, i’m french.

I want to mesure the decibel level in a room with a Raspberry 3B so I bought the SparkFun Sound Detector.

So I have the SparkFun’s sound detector and I have a MPC3008 (ADC) because I need to read the “envelope” output of the detector that is an analog output and a Raspberry don’t have analog input.

I plugged everything well and I’m able to read the output value that give me the MP3008 :

Raw ADC Value: 2048

ADC Voltage: 0.20625314717326618V

But my problem is the following : how to convert this value in dB ?

I saw some solutions and formulas for arduino but that don’t work in my situation.

Can someone help me with this ?

Thank you !

Have you tried this library by the way?

Thank you for your answer. It seems to be hard for me to try. No details privded on what sensor he used, connectors, adc, output …

But my problem is the following : how to convert this value in dB ?

A single ADC measurement can’t be converted into dB units. You need to average some measurements over a period of time (usually root mean square), possibly using some weighting factor.

The dB measurement is computed from the logarithm of the ratio of the current average to a reference average.

The easiest way to calibrate your microphone is to compare the logarithm of the averaged output to the reading of a professional sound level meter, in a variety of noisy environments.