Sparkfun 2004 LCD using Rpi Pico shows garbage for text

I’m using the Rpi Pico with C to program the Sparkfun 2004 LCD and all I get is garbage on the screen when the program runs. I got the code from … 2c-example. Just change the address from 0x27 to 0x72. The code appears to be somewhat standard from what I’ve found. When I run the .elf file, I get garbage on the screen, as if the characters are not being interpreted correctly. In one forum someone said that the Sparkfun 2004 LCD uses a different driver. I tried the sample code using an Arduino Blackboard, and it works properly, so there is nothing wrong with the LCD display. Has anyone tried this before?

You may need to disable overscan on the Pi

Your code is not designed to work with the sparkfun display, you will need to come up with different pi code.