Sparkfun 2d barcode scanner

Dear All,

I am wondering if the sparkfun 2d barcode scanner in this link: SparkFun 2D Barcode Scanner Breakout - SEN-18088 - SparkFun Electronics

might be able to scan a pharma code that is printed on pharmaceutical packaging.
Explanation of pharma code in this link: Laetus Track and Trace and Vision Inspection Solutions.

It does not read it by default, is there anyway to modify the settings of it?

I doubt it.
Reason being is I worked in hospital pharmacy and even the very expensive scanners we had (at that time) wouldn’t scan pharmacode.

I never knew what those barcodes were called or used for until I saw your post, they weren’t anything we ever had to worry about.

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I don’t think so; it’s not on the pg 5 list here

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