SparkFun 9DoF IMU Breakout - ICM-20948 (Qwiic) Data error from Raspberry

Hi! I am using ICM-20948 on Raspberry Pi, and this is the snapshot I got from running the example codes when not moving:

acc_x acc_ y acc_z gxRaw gyRaw gzRaw mxRaw myRaw mzRaw

16368 -01824 01432 -00207 00191 -00824 00521 01212 02088

16336 -01912 01352 00056 00068 -00003 00523 01217 02090

16224 -01896 01400 -00141 -00223 -00152 00521 01212 02093

16160 -01816 01408 -00084 -00331 -00283 00530 01216 02087

16376 -01656 01368 00075 00072 00175 00523 01214 02098

16336 -01968 01416 00074 -00210 -00018 00517 01210 02076

16272 -01576 01464 -00216 -00136 00291 00531 01212 02085

16304 -01864 01400 00141 -00165 -00154 00514 01218 02089

16416 -01856 01344 -00010 -00244 00582 00526 01214 02085

16360 -01720 01440 -00147 -00443 00410 00510 01217 02083

16024 -01760 01424 00061 -00646 -00311 00520 01213 02087

16176 -01800 01416 -00058 -00614 -00268 00526 01220 02085

16160 -01904 01328 -00175 00028 00295 00522 01216 02084

16240 -01904 01408 -00087 -00216 00224 00521 01209 02090

16160 -01720 01488 00106 -00174 00099 00522 01224 02092

The reading are just so implausible! The unit for acc is mg, but how can it be 1.488 g when there is no acceleration in this direction? Also the unit for gyro is dps, and the reading are way faster than I expected…

Did I miss some calibration process?
