SparkFun ATECCX08a Verification failure

Hi, I’ve done the example 1 to 3 but getting verification failure on 3. I wandering if the breakout is defective?


Example 1: Done. Got Public Key.

Example 2: Done. Got Signature.

Example 3: Always verification error. … r/examples

Hi ronyronen,

What microcontroller are you using? Sounds like you might be running into the I2C buffer max size limit. The library currently only supports Artemis and SamD21 boards, but you may be able to tweak the buffer size in the wire library and get going.

FYI, the verifySignature() function is the first time in the library examples that we send a packet of data greater than 32 bytes. It happens here: … y.cpp#L867

Hope this helps and thanks for reaching out!


Thank you. Indeed, the I2C buffer size was the issue. I’ve increased it into 255 from 128 (#define I2C_BUFFER_LENGTH 255) and it worked. I’m using Heltec LoRa 32 as I want to use it in a LoRa project.

Awesome. Glad you were able to get it working. Good luck with your LoRa project. That Heltec board looks great. Nice to have that built in OLED and slick enclosure!