Sparkfun BlueSMiRF - Arduino Communication

Hi there Sparkfun Forums,

I have purchased a couple of sparkfun BlueSMiRF Bluetooth modules and intend to use them with Arduino.

I have followed the instructions at … 1669038264

When I get to the page where I should receive data from the device but I get nothing. … command-mo

I send $$$ and the device changes into “Configuration Mode” but there is no data from the device. ( I have tried another cable and other pins ( 4/5) but no change).

I have tried a few alternatives and other version of the code but all seem to have no ability to return any data from the device.

I also tried the steps to connect to a PC and the Pc always responds with error 1186 when trying to open the com port. ( I was able to get 1 connection, but the pc was in raw not line mode)

Any suggestions or solutions would be greatly appreciated.


Are you swapping the drop-down selection? Also, changing the baud rate to 9600?

Is the other device SPP-capable?

Yes I am starting at “no line ending” at 9600 baud. ( I should receive the CMD line in this state), when I then try to send E or D ( in Newline mode) I also get nothing in return.

I will try another Arduino as I have no idea what could be the issue. I have tried other wires and pins on this Arduino.

All the devices I tested should be SPP capable, it worked once, ( got green link light ) and other modules work.


So turns out the issue is the Arduino Mega that was used.

It is an official Arduino Mega ( I have about 20, all work the same) but when I tested this setup with an Arduino UNO (official also) It works perfect.

I have seen other issues with the Arduino Mega ( Clone but it would lockup when enabling the watchdog timer).

Glad I solved it.

Or just RTFM Software serial has specific pins for Arduino Mega.

Glad to hear!