SparkFun DataLogger IoT 9-DoF


This may not be the right place for my post. You are welcome to set me straight in your preferred way.

I’m using the DataLogger IoT for the first time. My screen does not match that illustrated at [ … iguration/] … iguration/ even though the Version and build strings are identical: 01.00.01 and 00007c respectively.

I’ve tried to set WiFi (noted the 2.4 GHz caveat) and NTP settings. Zenmap identifies a new IP address for me as soon as I connect the DataLogger board but naturally with all ports closed there isn’t much pen-test that I can do.

My question is that unlike the published article I do not visual confirmation of my WiFi and NTP settings. Yet when I try to reset these my previous entries (except for the WiFi password) are visible (and correct). Yet even the Time display beneath the Device ID line remains incorrect. My MQTT broker is functioning normally yet after configuring the DataLogger to use my subscription to all messages yields nothing from the DataLogger.

While I can troubleshoot these on the way initially I would like to know how I can confirm that my fundamental settings (viz. WiFi), NTP and MQTT are indeed what I entered. Why does not my screen display in the manner shown in the article. Here is my screen:

SparkFun DataLogger IoT - 9DOF   (c) 2023 SparkFun Electronics
Version: 01.00.01  - build 00007c

Device ID: SFD18C6BB786E694
Time: 1970-01-01T17:48:57
Uptime: 0 days, 17:44:03.187

Settings for: /SparkFun DataLogger IoT - 9DOF

         1)  Settings - System settings and operations
         2)  Devices Settings - Settings for connected devices

         x)  Exit

Select Option:

Sorry for not posting in the correct forum/section. Thanks.


You might be able to try saving the config as a JSON to the SD card, then moving the SD over and viewing the plaintext…does it show the credentials? … e-settings

Thanks, TS-Russell! I will certainly try your thoughtful suggestion. The SD card is working so your suggestion is a good forward step. Apologies for the garbled post earlier - no excuse.


You might be able to try saving the config as a JSON to the SD card, then moving the SD over and viewing the plaintext…does it show the credentials? … e-settings

Hello, TS-Russell!

I’ve tried two 2.4 GHz WiFi networks now. I cannot connect the DataLogger to these networks using the console menu. Here is one example the JSON snippet that I saved after your suggestion:

  "WiFi Network": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Network Name": "TheSparkFunNet",
    "Password": ""

While it is good that the authentication credential is not displayed in the plain text JSON file, I can confirm that the number of asterisks displayed match the credential string length plus one extra asterisk during the console session. When I [Backspace] to re-enter the string again (in the console menu), there is always one remaining asterisk that cannot be removed.

While I may fat-finger keyboard entries more often than desirable, having performed the connection to the two existing 2.4 GHz WiFi networks with other devices successfully in the interim, I am at loss to understand my mistake.

Is it possible to update the password in the JSON file and have it read by the DataLogger console user interface? Thanks.


OK. I think I understand what’s going on… And I think it’s as simple as:

When you enter the WiFi SSID and password for the first time via the menu, you get a helpful messages saying “the value was updated”. BUT the changes aren’t saved until you completely exit the menus. If you go straight from setting the credentials to a system restart, without exiting the menu, the changes don’t get saved…try ensuring you back out of the menus entirely

If you change the existing password by deleting if with backspace and then re-entering it, that all seems to work correctly. True, you can’t delete the first asterix, but that doesn’t seem to cause any problems.