I bought an ESP32 MicroMod with a Display Carrier Board, loaded the Arduino IDE, and am trying to download the ESP32 Board files. Every time I click on the “SparkFun ESP32 Boards by SparkFun Electronics” I get on the IDE Output:
Failed to install platform: Sparkfun:esp32.
Error: 9 FAILED_PRECONDITION: Platform ‘SparkFun:esp32@1.0.1’ not found: getting tool dependencies for platform SparkFun:esp32@1.0.1: package esp32 not found
I also had the same failure when I tried version 1.0.0. What am I doing wrong???
There likely some bad pointer files in the arduino15 folder; follow these steps https://support.arduino.cc/hc/en-us/art … rduino-IDE to uninstall + BE SURE TO DO THE ADD’L STEPS TO WIPE THE FOLDER
Then re-install…here’s a guide https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/mi … -guide/all
And it should be good-to-go!
I’ve tried everything. Wiping it all out and reloading, rebooting, with the board plugged in, with the board not plugged in. I still get the same error message. Looks like that’s $50.00 out the window. And I was really excited about using the whole QWIIC bus and all the attachments. 
Had the same problem. Solved by first installing the Expressif board library from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/espre … index.json (see https://espressif-docs.readthedocs-host … lling.html).
After that, the SparkFun esp32 library installed without error.
Thanks skuas108. I’ve got the library working now.