SparkFun ESP32 Qwiic Pro Mini DEV-23386 can this board do OTA?

I am having a hard time programming this board, and I’m not sure what I should do for my debugging efforts.

I want to use this to collect Temp/Humidity with AHT20, and I purchased the qwiic versions hoping I could short circuit development, but I’m not seeing it connect to my Home Assistant box. I don’t see the backup AP mode showing up either.

Nor have I found an exact name match for the board in the Arduino board listings.

name: basicesphome
friendly_name: BasicESPHome

board: esp32dev
type: arduino

Enable logging


Enable Home Assistant API

key: redacted


  • platform: esphome
    password: redacted

ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password

Try getting just the AHT20 working first, then attempt to add it to ESPhome after confirming things are working as expected Hardware Assembly - SparkFun ESP32 Qwiic Pro Mini Hookup Guide (that’s the qwiic pro mini guide, after getting it blinking hook up the AHT20 and load this sketch SparkFun_Qwiic_Humidity_AHT20_Arduino_Library/examples/Example1_GetMeasurements/Example1_GetMeasurements.ino at main · sparkfun/SparkFun_Qwiic_Humidity_AHT20_Arduino_Library · GitHub to test it)

I did get an testAHT20 example working, and the same change I made there I had to make in the example you linked, to change

Isn’t there a board definition that would make the Wire I2C object automatically select the correct pins?

Anyway, now that I can see the temperature log, how does that get my ESPHome to work? Does this library have an ESPHome config so that I can just plug it in?


Looks like I’m hitting a brownout detector on the ESPHome boot sequence, I guess I need better power for WiFi or something than my serial adapter will give.