SparkFun ESP32 Thing - Temperature operation range

Hi team,

I just want to doublecheck with you what the Temperature operation range is for the SparkFun ESP32 Thing before working on my application.

Im looking at page 36 of your PDF file: (screenshot attached) … eet_en.pdf

So, where it says “Storage Temperature Range” is between -40 to 150 degree Celsius, does this mean that the entire SparkFun ESP32 Thing board can withstand those temperatures? If so, for how long?

Please, confirm or give some advice on what to use/do to keep the board fully operational under varying temperature conditions.


According to the datasheet, that appears to be accurate…though I personally feel that covers an extreme range that may be unlikely to be withstood in real-world conditions…but you can likely expect something close? Be sure to use a stable power source (not a battery) if approaching either end of that spectrum :slight_smile:

Please also note that datasheet mentions:

4.6 Temperature Sensor

The temperature sensor generates a voltage that varies with temperature. The voltage is internally converted via

an analog-to-digital converter into a digital code. The temperature sensor has a range of -40°C to 125°C. As the offset of the temperature sensor varies from

chip to chip due to process variation, together with the heat generated by the Wi-Fi circuitry itself (which affects

measurements), the internal temperature sensor is only suitable for applications that detect temperature changes

instead of absolute temperatures and for calibration purposes as well.

However, if the user calibrates the temperature sensor and uses the device in a minimally powered-on application,

the results could be accurate enough.

Best of luck!

Hi TS-Russell,

Thanks for replying to my post. Im new to the forum and to the SparkFun ESP32 Thing. All the peeps whose username have a “TS-” work for the company, right?

In any case, Im confused about the second part of your answer. I read about “temperature sensor” in other sections. So, that means that the SparkFun ESP32 Thing board has a built-in temperature sensor? If so, what’s the code to make it display temperature on an Arduino IDE’s serial monitor?

Having a built-in temperature sensor would be nice. I actually was planning on using small thermistors and thermocouples I have here to measure temperature. Then, connect those to one of the GPIOs of the board.

Please, help. As I said, Im new… a noobie to be fair. So, screenshots and visual aids as well as code is needed to make me understand what you mean.

Thank you for your time and consideration

All the peeps whose username have a “TS-” work for the company, right? - Yep

So, that means that the SparkFun ESP32 Thing board has a built-in temperature sensor? If so, what’s the code to make it display temperature on an Arduino IDE’s serial monitor? - Yes, see the hookup guide for info about the features…you’ll have to poke around and learn how to implement code, but it’s rewarding … 1615791300

**The "Resources and Going Further" section @ the end will also be a gold mine ;-)** __We'll be here to provide *troubleshooting* if you run into any hardware inconsistencies along the way__ **Best of luck!**