Sparkfun IMU M0

Hi, i am using the Sparkfun IMU M0 for the basic testing in my PhD project. I have encountered 2 issues. The first one is when i disable the magnetometer in the IMU by using the script in the Hookup guide, the IMU stops logging is there any solution to that.

The second on about the sensor orientation of the Accelerometer axis, the datasheet specifies that if we place the sensor on a flat surface it should read +1g in the z axis and 0 on x and y axis. My question is that if the z axis is pointed upwards then should the sensor give +1g reading for gravity? I have tried experiments on all 3 axis and when the axis is pointed opposite to gravity it gives +1g for gravity. Can any one clear this up please, and also about the gyro sensor readings too. I am attaching the data sheet relevant sections.

Thank you.