Sparkfun IoT Redboard - how to play MP3 files

Hello - just getting started using my new IoT Redboard. Trying to get it to play MP3 files. I got the blink/wifiaccesspoint/sd_test examples to work. The description of the IoT board states:

“The IoT RedBoard can target a wide variety of applications, ranging from low-power sensor networks to the most demanding tasks, such as voice encoding, music streaming, and MP3 decoding” … 2-audioI2S seems interesting. So does the DFPlayer, but I think the IoT should have everything I need, right? … o/overview

Is Helix the best decoder to use?

I already have the following amplifier and speaker wired up, like this post:


It looks viable, though you might need to make a couple edits to get it goin’…post your results here if you get it going!