Hello, once again, I wish to address that I am a high schooler who is relatively new to this device; however, I do have some experience with similar devices. Now, I recently bought two more of the same sparkfun openlog Artemis; however, these two are not up to date with the most recent software (when I am currently writing this, it is 111). Thus I tried to update the device as I did with the first one I bought (which worked fine); however, with these 2, it seems that it is unable to, where no error comes up in the process, but when I try to access the SD card information, no option to press “s” pops up. Does anyone have any advice for this matter?
The OLA upgrade instructions are here: https://github.com/sparkfun/OpenLog_Art … UPGRADE.md
Please try “Update Bootloader” first, then try “Upload Firmware”. If you see any error messages, please take a screenshot - or copy the text - and post it here.
Best wishes,
Update Bootloader failed:
Artemis Bootloader Upload
Baud: 115200
File: C:.…\artemis_svl.bin
Port: \.\COM3
Header Size = 0x80
original app_size 0x328c ( 12940 )
load_address 0xc000 ( 49152 )
app_size 0x328c ( 12940 )
w0 = 0xcb00330c
Security Value 0x10
w2 = 0x10008080
addrWord = 0xc000
versionKeyWord = 0x0
child0/feature = 0xffffffff
child1 = 0xffffffff
crc = 0xc703da31
Writing to file C:.…\Temp_OTA_blob.bin
testing: C:.…\Temp_OTA_blob.bin
Header Size = 0x60
app_size 0x330c ( 13068 )
Writing to file C:.…\Temp_Wired_OTA_blob.bin
Image from 0x0 to 0x330c will be loaded at 0x20000
Connecting over serial port \.\COM3…
Baud rate: 115200
Sending Hello.
No response for command 0x00000000
Failed to respond
Sending Hello.
No response for command 0x00000000
Failed to respond
Sending Hello.
No response for command 0x00000000
Failed to respond
Tries = 3
Upload failed
Hi DeveloperR&D,
I’ve seen the same thing. Something is broken in Update Bootloader, but I’m not sure what. Does Upload Firmware work correctly?
Best wishes,