Sparkfun pro RF and Adafruit BNO085. can't get them working

I have a new BNO085 9 axis sensor and Sparkfun pro RF Samd21 micro controller, never worked with one before. I figured I could just install the board, load all software for board management and plug in Qwiic conector, load the Adafruit BNO08x library, load the library of choice, quaternion_yaw_pitch_roll, and get data.

two days later, lots of internet searching, lots of headaches and I get nothing. it does not even run the setup().

What am I missing?

i first set this up on an Arduino Mega and it worked fine.

I also tried on a Heltec ESP32 LoRa V2, also got absolutely nothing on it not even the setup()

I am a bit experienced with Arduino and programming Arduino boards. I thought the Samd21 would be like going from an uno to a mega or micro but it seems there are a lot of programming language differences.

I want to run a GPS with tinyGPS Plus, the BNO085, a OLED, and a humidity sensor.

It turns out the BNO085 was working when I loaded the program, I had to change Serial.print() to SerialUSB.print() and it started printing data.

now I am trying to use the Adafruit ultimate GPS. I can’t figure out the simple task of tx/rx

I can’t seem to find any useful information on the use of the Sparkfun pro RF. the getting started on Sparkfun website isn’t what I need.

If I recall correctly, Serial.begin & Serial.print will get you RX & TX on pins 0 and 1.

Use SerialUSB.print() in place of Serial.print()