SparkFun Qwiic MicroPressure readPressure() function sometimes blocks

Hi there,

I have some trouble with this sensor … I am using it with a NodeMCU and a battery… sometimes the readpressure which is called frequently in my loop() function is blocking forever ,which means untiI press the reset button…

It might be a problem of the voltage, but I cant messure any significant changes…

Maybe I can get here some best practises how to solve this?

Does anyone know in what circumstances this call blocks?

Can I unblock this call ? Or there a possibility in arduino to unblock , or just to embedd this call in a timed try?

thanks for your help !

That means your system is hanging. Have you tried the same code with any other board? Like an ESP32 or Arduino mega?

no but I have onther NodeMCU here, Ill check it …