SparkFun Qwiic MicroPressure Sensor - Python Port

Hi - I am working on a project that would need to use a Sparkfun qwiic micropressure sensor (

The Sparkfun drivers however are in C++ for the Arduino, and because of other peripherals, the development platform for the project is the Raspberry Pi Pico in Micropython.

Is anyone aware of a port of the micropressure drivers to Python? - as re-writing the driver (or creating a wrapper?) is far beyond my current level of expertise - and GitHub appears not to hold a solution.

(There are Python drivers for a BME280 atmospheric sensor, but this does not have the required functionality)

Thank You,


Have you tried Sparkfun’s Qwiic pHAT for Raspberry Pi? If so, was it of any help?

Hi - Thank you for the suggestion - Unfortunately I looking for python/micropython software drivers for Pi-Pico RP2040. Connecting hardware is OK.

Still looing for Python/Micropython drivers for the SparkFun Qwiic MicroPressure Sensor…

Has anyone else tried to port drivers to Python?