SparkFun Qwiic Pocket Development Board does not boot without arduino/laptop connected


i am using the “SparkFun Qwiic Pocket Development Board - ESP32-C6” to read read some sensors (and post the data to thingsspeak). debugging/logigng is done using “Serial” and all works fine with the arduino ide

but it will not boot when i just power the board from a usb power supply

when i change Serial to Serial0 everywhere it will print over the TX pin and that will also work with only power connected to the usb-c connector

problem solved… but why?



I think it’s related to the note at the bottom of the page here … gb-example

"USB CDC On Boot Settings

Take note of the option labeled “USB CDC on Boot” when selecting the Board from the Tools menu. This option sets the serial outputs and defines their label for use in code. The SparkFun variants default to Enable USB CDC on boot which sets both Serial and Serial0 as available serial ports. In this configuration, Serial corresponds to the direct USB/Serial converter on the chip (and the USB-C interface) and Serial0 corresponds to the UART0 bus (default pins are 16 and 17).

With either setting, Serial1 is available and refers to the UART1 bus (default pins are 4 and 5)."


so using the “Serial” = usb will block when it is not connected… strange implementation. you would think (at least i did) the code would run just fine (without logging)

maybe the documentation should be more clear about this…

I agree :-/