SparkFun Thing Plus (USB-C) micro SD


about the “SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM (USB-C) - WRL-20168”

to me is not clear if this board version, with already a micro SD card slot and USB-C, is able to see the card directly when connected to a PC trhough USB, or still need to remove the card.

I know there is the “SparkFun Thing Plus Dual-Port Logging Shield - DEV-19217” which does this exactly, but maybe this feature is already in the first “SparkFun Thing Plus”?

Hope someone can help



It’s not possible to read a SD card as a drive connected to your computer with this board. It’s a hardware design limitation of the board and the ESP32 that drives it.

What about the STM32 Thing Plus which has its SD pins connected to SDIO. Can that be used like a thumb drive. If not, can a routine to read the SD card be provided to show the correct pin lables? I am finding a lot of documentation that gets COPI/PICO mixed up. (Sparkfun and Texas Instruments both).

I’ve not played with the STM32 before but that should be able to be programmed to work as a USB mass storage device that presents a SD card as a USB drive. You would need to write the code needed to do that though as the board won’t do it all by itself.

Link below might help.

Thanks for that suggestion, but at the moment I cannot my stm32 Thing working as I cannot figure out the pin lables. I got the stm32 MM going OK once I figured it out, but the Thing has me stumped! Help please Sparkfun.