SparkFun Thing Plus - XBee3 Micro - Question

Hi there,

I have baught a couple of these Zigbee thing board and planning on working through your tutorials to create a mesh network. However I need to update a server on the internet at some stage to receive the data from my mesh network. I’m a noob.

Do I need to buy and extra break out board to connect this mesh to the internet. I would prefer to go ethernet but wireless will also be OK can you guys please give me what other components I will need to purchase and if possible point me in a direction of how to accomplish this.

Thanks in advance

Unfortunately, these boards aren’t able to wirelessly connect to the internet. So you will need an extra component to accomplish this. You can look at our internet capable boards here: However, I would most likely suggest the following:

I hope this helps point you in the right direction.

Not to talk you out of an interesting project or buying SparkFun goodies but you may want to consider a ready-made XBee gateway: … e-gateways

Hi Guys, a million thanks to both of you. I bought both of your suggestions and will be playing with them for now. Can’t wait for the stock to arrive

Will let you guys know how I progress :smiley: :smiley:

Unfortunately, these boards aren’t able to wirelessly connect to the internet. So you will need an extra component to accomplish this. You can look at our internet capable boards here: However, I would most likely suggest the following:

I hope this helps point you in the right direction.

Hi Brandon,

Hope I’m not overstepping here. Let me know if I should create a new post, but I have another question…

My Xbee3 boards have arrived and I’m super excited. I see that this module/board can be programmed with micropython and Digi’s XCTU software. Do these boards have some kind of internal storage space that is persisted even after a power recycle? Or some sort of custom variable that can be accessed and continued on power recycle. I’m not sure if I’m making sense or if my terminology is correct but what I’m looking for somehow to update a variable on the board with “10” (10 Dollars) Each time I get input from a specific pin I want to subtract “1”. So if I got 4 pings from that pin I have “6” left on the board. When the power recycles, it will remember I was at 6 and continues from there… Apologies for my ignorance and thanks in advance.

Do these boards have some kind of internal storage space that is persisted even after a power recycle?

I don’t believe they do, but I could be wrong. You’d need to review the XBee data sheet to know for sure. If they don’t, it might be possible for you to connect a serial EEPROM to the board and then use micropython to store your variables there. An EEPROM would be able to store a variable that would persist across power cycles.

That post is fine, and is a good question. It sounds like you’re looking for something like EEPROM storage. Unfortunately, that would be a question for Digi Electronics:

In the off chance that the Xbee module doesn’t have that capability, then you can also look at using our EEPROM breakout board: (This product is a SparkX product, our quick prototyping division. As such, there is a limited warranty and support that is applied to all SparkX products.)