Spectral Triad (AS7265x) not responding.


I bought a sensor on your website and connected it according to the instructions.

I also passed the arduino nano and installed up-to-date libraries and examples, but arduino does not want to connect to AS7265.

the jumpers on the back and front sides are open.

I also tried to check it via uart, but it also does not respond to commands (I closed the jumper)

Please help to solve the problem.

i attached some images connections.



The blue and yellow wires go to SDA and SCL (it looks like they are mis-wired currently)…also if you are using i2c remove the solder from JP2 https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/sp … okup-guide

If it still not doesn’t show up on i2cDetect you can cut the traces for the i2c pull-up resistors (there’s already a lot of resistance in the setup because of the multiple wire junctions)


i tried to cut the traces for the i2c but it not helped me.(checked with tester they are l2c open jp2 open too)

i tried 3 different arduino and got a same problem.

AS7265x Spectral Triad Example

Point the Triad away and press a key to begin with illumination…

Sensor does not appear to be connected. Please check wiring. Freezing…

One of the chips on this board is a 3.3 volt chip and it looks like you’re powering it with 5 volts.

That might have fried the chip and that would cause the board to not work anymore. :frowning:

I used boards with a voltage of 3.3v just before connecting, I measured the voltage with a tester and there was 3.3v

One of the chips on this board is a 3.3 volt chip and it looks like you’re powering it with 5 volts.

That might have fried the chip and that would cause the board to not work anymore. :frowning:

I used boards with a voltage of 3.3v just before connecting, I measured the voltage with a tester and there was 3.3v

I have also had issues. I started with the qwiic connectors, and that didn’t work. I was using Nate’s library, and tried multiple codes. The code would hit the lines that checked if the sensor was active, and freeze:

if (sensor.begin() == false)


Serial.println(“Sensor does not appear to be connected. Please check wiring. Freezing…”);

while (1);


I then commented out the while(); (and added a small delay) just to force it to move on and show me what data it would take. I would then get zeroes for the data approx. 10 out of 11 times. But that one time, it would work (example below). I could move my hand across the sensor and it responded; it also would respond to various colors of light from my phone (i.e. the appropriate values would increase or decrease). Once it did work, it would continue working; the values would not spontaneously return to zeroes.

This <10% working-time happened with both re-uploading as well as simply hitting the UNO reset button. I then soldering in headers and tried the I2C there, and got the same result. I have only used 3.3V, never 5V. I have removed and reinstalled the library.

Any help would be appreciated.

AS7265x Spectral Triad Example

Sensor does not appear to be connected. Please check wiring. Freezing…





AS7265x Spectral Triad Example

Sensor does not appear to be connected. Please check wiring. Freezing…



AS7265x Spectral Triad Example








I found a workaround. In the void setup(){…} I put in a loop that checked to see if the sensor was responding:

if (sensor.begin() == false){ delay(500); }

else{ break;}

It would respond after anywhere from one to 20+ inquiries. However, once it did respond, it worked fine in the main void loop(){…} of the code. I guess it just needed a little attention to feel needed, and then it was happy to do its work. :smiley:

We are also facing same issues as posted by " pointsplitter". We have also posted one blog “SPARKFUN TRIAD (AS7265X) CONNECTIVITY ISSUES”.

We have posted some images and a video link for reference.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IyoyvB … sp=sharing

Kindly share the information to resolve the issues.