I hooked everything up and followed the SPARKFUN SPECTRUM DEMO at https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/sp … -guide/all and the console is outputting the data for the 7 frequencies in the console but all the values are around 70-80 continuously whether I’m playing music or the music is paused. Not sure what to do.
Make sure your audio cable is plugged in all the way, the connectors on the board sometimes have a bit of resistance that makes it feel like the cable is in all the way but it’s not quite there.
The cables are plugged in all the way. It works but there’s a lot of noise and the signal hovers around a value of around 66 when no music is playing. Are there algorithms to sort of average the signal? I’m just not sure if this is how it’s supposed to work or if mine is maybe defective.
Can you provide photos of the top and bottom of the shield as well as a photo showing how the shield is connected is connected to your Arduino and audio source?
Alright I spent some time writing some code. I ended averaging a certain range of values every iteration and subtracted 66 and it all smoothed out. Not sure why there was so much noise but I fixed it with the code. Thank you for responding so fast!