I need the Apollo3 Blue Plus board to receive data sent from an ESP32 board using the SPI protocol. Specifically, the ESP32 (as the SPI Master) is sending the message “DJ” every second. However, the Apollo3 Blue Plus (configured as the SPI Slave) is not receiving this message. Below I am mentioning the code that I am using for Apollo3 as a slave.
#include "string.h"
#include "am_mcu_apollo.h"
#include "am_bsp.h"
#include "am_util.h"
#define IOMN (2) // SPI instance
#define SPI_MODE (0) // Match ESP32 SPI mode (CPOL = 0, CPHA = 0)
#define SPI_FREQ (AM_HAL_IOM_2MHZ) // Match ESP32 clock speed
#define CS_PIN (16) // GPIO pin for Chip Select (CS)
void* iom_handle = NULL;
am_hal_iom_config_t iom_cfg;
am_hal_iom_transfer_t xfer = {0};
#define report(s) am_util_stdio_printf("status: 0x%08X (function: %s, file: %s, line: %d)\n", s, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__)
void init_iom(void) {
uint32_t status = AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
iom_cfg.eInterfaceMode = AM_HAL_IOM_SPI_MODE;
iom_cfg.ui32ClockFreq = SPI_FREQ;
iom_cfg.eSpiMode = AM_HAL_IOM_SPI_MODE_0; // SPI Mode 0 (CPOL = 0, CPHA = 0)
iom_cfg.pNBTxnBuf = NULL;
iom_cfg.ui32NBTxnBufLength = 0;
status = am_hal_iom_initialize(IOMN, &iom_handle);
if (status != AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS) { report(status); }
status = am_hal_iom_power_ctrl(iom_handle, AM_HAL_SYSCTRL_WAKE, false);
if (status != AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS) { report(status); }
status = am_hal_iom_configure(iom_handle, &iom_cfg);
if (status != AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS) { report(status); }
status = am_hal_iom_enable(iom_handle);
if (status != AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS) { report(status); }
// Configure SPI pins
status = am_hal_gpio_pinconfig(AM_BSP_GPIO_IOM2_MISO, g_AM_BSP_GPIO_IOM2_MISO);
if (status != AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS) { report(status); }
status = am_hal_gpio_pinconfig(AM_BSP_GPIO_IOM2_MOSI, g_AM_BSP_GPIO_IOM2_MOSI);
if (status != AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS) { report(status); }
status = am_hal_gpio_pinconfig(AM_BSP_GPIO_IOM2_SCK, g_AM_BSP_GPIO_IOM2_SCK);
if (status != AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS) { report(status); }
// Configure CS pin as output
status = am_hal_gpio_pinconfig(AM_BSP_GPIO_IOM2_CS, g_AM_BSP_GPIO_IOM2_CS);
if (status != AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS) { report(status); }
int main(void) {
uint32_t status = AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
// Perform the standard initialization for clocks, cache settings, and board-level low-power operation
am_hal_clkgen_control(AM_HAL_CLKGEN_CONTROL_SYSCLK_MAX, 0);
// Initialize the printf interface for UART output
am_util_stdio_printf("SPI Receive Example with CS Pin Management\n\n");
// Initialize SPI
char rx_buf[32]; // Buffer for receiving data
memset(rx_buf, 0, sizeof(rx_buf)); // Clear the buffer
while (1) {
// Pull CS low to select the slave
// Setup transfer
xfer.uPeerInfo.ui32SpiChipSelect = 0; // CS pin is manually controlled
xfer.ui32InstrLen = 0;
xfer.ui32Instr = 0;
xfer.ui32NumBytes = sizeof(rx_buf); // Receive full buffer size
xfer.eDirection = AM_HAL_IOM_RX; // SPI Read
xfer.pui32TxBuffer = NULL;
xfer.pui32RxBuffer = (uint32_t*)rx_buf; // Receive data into the buffer
xfer.bContinue = false;
// Perform the SPI transaction
status = am_hal_iom_blocking_transfer(iom_handle, &xfer);
// Pull CS high to deselect the slave
// Check transaction status
if (status != AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
} else {
// Print received data
am_util_stdio_printf("Received data: %s ",rx_buf);
// for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(rx_buf); i++) {
// am_util_stdio_printf("%02X ", rx_buf[i]);
// }
// Wait for 1 second before the next transaction
here you can see that i did not received message. Yes, I have connected the ESP32 SPI pins and Apollo3 SPI using jumper wires. Below i am mentioning hardware connections.
PINS Name Apollo3 ESP32
MOSI -----> 28 12
MISO -----> 25 13
SCK -----> 27 15
CS -----> 16 14
Here are some details about my setup:
Protocol: SPI
Data Sending Mechanism: Polling, with the ESP32 sending the message every second.
Issue: The Apollo3 Blue Plus is not receiving the transmitted data from the ESP32.
Development Environment: I am using Keil software for development.
Goal: Receive and process the “DJ” message on the Apollo3 Blue Plus.
Could you please provide guidance or a sample code snippet for correctly setting up the Apollo3 Blue Plus as an SPI Slave in this scenario? Additionally, any advice on debugging or configuration in Keil would be greatly appreciated.