In the tutorials that I mentioned in a different thread you started, I also do SPI comms in both directions on the LPC2148. That should help you out. If you’re just trying to check if you have communications, start by setting the loopback bit. Then send a byte and see if you can read it in the RX FIFO. If you can, then you have SPI working internally and then clear the loopback bit and test the SPI using a hardware loopback (i.e., wire MOSI and MISO together and do the same test as above). If you can still read the same byte you sent, then you’re good as far as MOSI and MISO. All that will be left is to make sure that you have set your CLK and CS*/SS* pins up properly.
Do you have SPI on the LPC2148 configured as master or slave? If you have it in master, it’s pretty easy to read as many bytes as you want in a row. I also do this in nrf24l01.c in the tutorials. You just send out as many bytes as you want to receive, and poll your receiving data register to see when it has valid data. Then you buffer the data as you get it (each time you receive a new byte, the old one will be overwritten, so you have to save each one as it comes in).
If you’re in slave mode, you’re limited to getting no more than 16 bytes at a time (AFAIK).