Starta Sparkfun MP3 Trigger with PIR sensor

In my next project I want a playing of a sound file ( Sparkfun MP3 Trigger) be started not with button but with Motion detector, PIR sensor, for example, SEN-13285ROHS. Is it possible? I wired it without any additional gear (no transistors, resistors or relay). Do I need a more advanced setup? Do I need some code to program same thing? I can’t find any examples or codes on Arduino library which with help of PIR sensor start MP3 Trigger. Would it be better with another PIR sensor? For example, Sparkfun PIR Breakout -170uA ( SEN -17372ROHS)?

For min projekt I want a PIR sensor to send a signal to MP3 Trigger to play sound file (one time at time!) not before people are coming 80 cm to the PIR. What I need in that special case, please, could you help me?

You have to use an Arduino+ a PIR sensor. with the Sparkfun MP3 Trigger. The hookup guide says “The trigger inputs are active low and pulled high internally. Therefore, they can be activated either by digital outputs from another microcontroller (such as an Arduino) or by a simple contact closure (switch) to ground. The inputs support voltage levels of either 5V or 3.3V.”

So, you have to connect the Output of the PIR sensor to a digital pin of the ARduino. This arduino pin will be declared as an input pin. You have to declare another Arduino Pin as output. By default, it will be high. This pin will be connected to the trigger pin of the MP3. When the PIR’s output is HIGH, you have to make the output pin of the Arduino LOW. And it will make the connected trigger pin low. Thus the MP3 player will be activated.

Or use an NPN transistor or MOSFET as an inverter…