Hi Guys,
I’ve been working on tutorial 2 of the beginning embedded electronics tutorial page.
I’m using AVR studio 4 with winAVR to programme in C.
i’ve wired it all up with a STK 500 compatible USB programmer.
linked http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/produc … ts_id=8702
and i wired it up identically to the tutorial
however my difference is that im using AVR studio and winAVR create and load my hex file into the ATmega8.
It detects the USB programmer no worries, but when i go to load the hex file i get the following error.
“A problem occured while excuting the command. Make sure you are using the correct programming method. Current mode is ISP mode. see the command output for more info.”
and then continues to list other possible reasons, all very veige
the command line says
Getting ISP Parameter SD0x19 OKOK
Reading Flash input file… OK
Entering Programming Mode: FAILED
Leaving Programming mode: OK"
this is the same with EEPROM aswell.
I’ve triple checked all my connections
any help would be great, thanks.