Hi everybody. It pains me to admit but I need help. I have just been given a Rasonance Primer2 eval board with ride7 and all the goodies that come with, and I am finding it very difficult just to get to the very basic info I want. I have had a considerable amount of exp with PIC stuff in the past both in ASM and C in the MPLAB environment but using self built circuits and a flash programmer. Let me explain where I am going;
I want to start from absolute scratch, but I cannot find any info that does not use hundreds of predefined macros and defines on either the st site or the raisonance site and what I want to do is slowly start building up my own list of defines so I can learn faster and with more ease.
I dont really understand how to program the chip whilst it is on the raisonance board because I believe I need some kind of linker script. Or can I generate a hex file from the c code and just flash it using the ride7 flasher? Obviously I could buy just a flash programmer and build circuits again, but I figure if I have it already in the primer2 why buy a flasher! And I dont think this board has JTAG, maybe a JTAG eval board would be easier and use crossworks?
Finally, as with the PIC I am assuming there is a common startup procedure…
reset vector
clock config
interupt config
port inits
etc etc
But because everywhere uses these devilish macros, it is pretty hard to track down the absolut basics to startup the chip and just make one insignificant LED flash!!!
I know this must annoy a lot of you out there with a lot of exp, but we all gotta start somewhere and I have now spent 3 days trawling sites and yours seem the most informative so far.