STM32F103RB - WIGGLR jtag compatiblty...PL HLP I AM STUCK UP

i recently purchased Olimex STM32-P103 board based on MCU STM32F103RBT6

i have assembled wiggler compatible (clone) JTAG adaptor.(Leon Heller design)

I tried flash program through this device with Crossworks.


i have then found list of compatible cpus in wiggler site and i cant find any cotex type of cpu.

plz help…


I’ve used Wiggler clone from Olimex(ARM-JTAG) with STM32F103VB on my own board in Crossworks without problem. Crossworks is not very picky about Wiggler - it supports multiple hw versions, also parallel port can be set to ECP. I’m able to run it at full speed - JTAG divider 1 (around 400 kHz) with 1.5 m long extension cable (25pin to 25 pin).

Crossworks with Wiggler supports STM32 debugging and flash programming without problem.

I suggest to use scope to see what is happening on JTAG pins.


As I said in response to your other post, my JTAG design works OK with the CrossWorks tools.


hi, i have purchased [Olimex STM32-103STK and [Olimex ARM-USB-TINY JTAG, I use Rowley Crosstudio for ARM, when I try to connect the

JTAG I had a message box that say.

“Cannot Identify Target. Check JTAG connections and that the target is powered.”

What do you think the problem is.

Edit: I solved it. set JTAG clock divider:4 and nTRST Open Drain:No](ARM-USB-TINY)](STM32-103STK)