STM32F4 and the STM32 header board

Has anyone tried replacing the STM32F103 chip on the STM32F103 header board with a STM32F4 chip?

According to ST, the M4 cortex is pin to pin compatible, and having 1 M of flash, running at 168 MHz and having a floating point unit on board sounds kinda cool to me.

It would make more sense to get one of the new STM32F4 Discovery boards.

I have one of those already. I was looking at something 1/2 the size, without having to make my own board.

I doubt if anyone else has tried it, why not have a go?

Which STM32F103 header board have you got? I might try it.

This MCUs are not fully pin 2 pin compatible. Look in part 2.1 of STM32F4x datasheet for details.

One thing different about the STM32F4XX (and STM32F2XX) compared to the STM32F1XX is that they both need a 2.2uF low ESR cap on the VCAP_1 and VCAP_2 pins.

I have only the discovery board at the moment, but was looking at the STM32-H103