Storing EPC Data in Array to be used in program

Hi. I have the following array built in my Arduino program to be used to process 8 different tags.

int tag[8][12] =


{E2, 00, 00, 1B, 69, 09, 01, 79, 21, 20, 3E, 8B}, // team 1 bag 1

{E2, 00, 00, 1B, 69, 09, 01, 79, 21, 80, 36, 8E}, // team 2 bag 1

{E2, 00, 00, 1B, 69, 09, 01, 79, 21, 50, 38, 88}, // team 1 bag 2

{E2, 00, 00, 1B, 69, 09, 01, 79, 20, 90, 40, 9C}, // team 2 bag 2

{E2, 00, 00, 1B, 69, 09, 01, 79, 21, 60, 3A, 7B}, // team 1 bag 3

{E2, 00, 00, 1B, 69, 09, 01, 79, 21, 10, 3C, 87}, // team 2 bag 3

{E2, 00, 00, 1B, 69, 09, 01, 79, 20, 80, 42, AC}, // team 1 bag 4

{E2, 00, 00, 1B, 69, 09, 01, 79, 21, 00, 3E, 8F}, // team 2 bag 4


I am getting an error code due to the compiler thinking the 09 is written in octal as well as having letters in my array. Do I need to write new EPC data for each tag or is there a way to leave the EPC data as is? Thank you

Those look like hex values; they should all be prefixed with 0x

{0xE2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1B, 0x69,