STR9-ComStick, Vista SP2, OpenOCD r657 - Is this doable??

First of all, I can’t find a Vista driver for this device, which is a problem. However, since UsbDeview can display the device, I was hoping I’d be able to operate the board via OpenOCD. I’m already using OpenOCD to access an Olimex ARM-USB-OCD, which uses the same FTDI FT2232 as this board does. However, in spite of several attempts with different cfg files, I haven’t been able to connect to the device; I always get “unable to open ftdi device: 2”. (Device 1 is the Olimex, Device 2 is the ComStick).

Is this just because I don’t have a Vista driver installed, or is it because my config file is somehow wrong? I can post my file here, but I thought I’d wait until I know there’s a reason to do so.

In the meantime, is there a Vista driver for this device somewhere? A web search didn’t turn up anything.

Not sure I can help, I dont know of any vista drivers, then again I dont use vista…

and hate using winxp… I use Debain, the driver for the comstick has problems…

I have one of the latest svn versions. .and the reset will not work 90% oif the time

and have unplug the comstick for few mintis before it come’s good again…

scoped it and it looks like some sort of bug in the openocd driver…

Trying to track it down…

So good luck… with vista…
