Strait up request to have somebody build a simple circuit

Greetings… I don’t know if this is cool here to ask this, please forgive me But I need somebody to build a circuit. I wouldn’t be asking / begging if I had any other way of getting a couple of these made.

I’ve been searching high and low for a commercial solution but non exists. A circuit design exists and functions from the original designer the only thing I would require is it to be shrunk down to something more appropriate for my project.

I would be willing to compensate anybody for the who would be willing to put a few together for me. From what I’ve been told this is a very simple circuit.

Here is a link to the circuit and parts list for the original design. … iterV2.htm

If you have any questions please feel free to drop me a note.



I wouldn’t use a 16F628 in that circuit, it’s obsolete and expensive. The 16F88 would be a better choice.

Is this suitable?

Is this suitable?

Geez I don’t know… it would beyond great if it would. There’s a special notation stating:

Note: This product is not to be used with servos that offer more than 90° rotation from the factory or any brand of digital servos. Digital servos can be programmed with a servo programmer to achieve 180 degrees rotation. Using the Servo Stretcher with a servo already modified for 180 degrees will not allow for 360 degree rotation.

So a servo winch is beyond 90 degrees of rotation so I don’t know if it would fail, burn up or what would happen. I’ve emailed servo city to see what the deal is. Maybe I’ll get lucky, but I’m not hold my breath

Thanks for the suggestion.

I wouldn’t use a 16F628 in that circuit, it’s obsolete and expensive. The 16F88 would be a better choice.

Lol… the only chips I know really well are Sun Chips, “garden salsa” other than that I would take whatever works and whatever was built for me. Beggars can’t be choosers.

How small do you need it ?

Do you need the dip switch, or can servo reverse be hardcoded ?

How many do you need ?

How small do you need it ?

Do you need the dip switch, or can servo reverse be hardcoded ?

How many do you need ?

I Would need two of them.

As far as size…Well I don’t have a frame of reference but they are going on a RC aircraft… so i guess as far as one can make them. I would think that would be relative depending on equipment and skill.

I don’t much mind if its… but I would like a way to change or adjust the settings just in case its needed.

Maybe a small picaxe can do it then. … /AXE007MSM

A jumper for reverseing, a resistor for the servo, and maybe some voltage drop depending on the voltage you will be supplying.

…and 2 pots for min-max movement, sparkfun has some with inline pin design.

Ofcause then the source code cant be reused, but it looks fairly simple.

All in all, for only 2 pcs, I think costs will be around 15-20USD each due to postage from 1-2different places and to you.