I like “Pro Micro” because it’s small an have all I need for my first steps with arduino.
But why is the yellow onboard LED on Pin 17?
Why is the green LED not accessable with Arduino command?
I figured out, that the green LED ist accessable with bitwise manipulation in PD5.
Is there a specific reason for that?
Are problems to be expected in doing that?
PORTB |= B00000001;
PORTD |= B00100000;
// bitSet(PORTB,0);
// bitSet(PORTD,5);
PORTB &= B11111110;
PORTD &= B11011111;
// bitClear(PORTB,0);
// bitClear(PORTD,5);
Which Pro Micro is this… LED is always on pin 13 !
July 21, 2014, 3:36pm
The Arduino-standard Blink sketch won’t have any visible effect on the Pro Micro – there’s no LED on pin 13. In fact, the only LEDs on the board are the power indicator, and RX/TX blinkies. Unlike other Arduino boards, though, we can control the RX/TX LEDs in our sketch.
Here’s a tutorial to get you going
https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/pr … 1-blinkies
The Blinky sketch from Sparkfun works. Surprise, surprise!
Can anybody explain how it works? TXLED0 and TXLED1 are macros but I cannot see where the macros are.
I just copied and pasted the sketch into my Arduino IDE and compiled it. Why does the compiler know the macros?