Street Busker project

A street busker is someone who plays hand cranked organ grinder music and solicits donations. I have a modern version of a hand cranked organ that I would like to power with arduino circuits using an sd card for the music. I need to be able to turn a hand crank and then the music comes out to powered speakers. When the hand crank stops the music stops. This project is to solicit donations for veteran oriented non-profit groups that I support. Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is a worthwile cause.


Bob Reinisch

This project is to solicit donations for veteran oriented non-profit groups that I support. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

So are you asking for donations or design help ?

FWIW : if it’s the later you might want to move this post to the Projects forum.

Looking for design help. How do I move this post to the projects forum?