Struggling with OpenLog Example3_ReadFile.ino


Hoping folks can help me sort out my issue with the OpenLog read command for extracting information from a micro SD cartd. I want to implement the read file command as provided in … ommand-set.

Specifically: "Read from start 0 with length of 5:

Example: read LOG00004.txt 0 5

Output: Accel"

For my implementation, I need to extract 5 characters of ASCII (all numbers) at a time. I’ll convert those 5 numerical ASCII characters into INT, and use that 5 digit value to command a stepper motor movement. Below is my code, most of which I obtained from the beerware licence over at … adFile.ino. The Example 3 runs just fine, but when I modify it to support my implementation, I’m having significant difficulty. I can get the code to pull the ASCII characters, and save them in CHAR[6] character strings, but I can’t get them to convert into INTs for use on the stepper motor.

When I define CHAR[6] character strings within the code, I can manipulate those into INTs, but not when I extract them from the SD card. Clearly, the CHAR[6] that I define does not have the same characteristics as the one derived from the card.

Any suggestions are much appreciated! :smiley:

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

//Connect TXO of OpenLog to pin 3, RXI to pin 2
SoftwareSerial OpenLog(5,4); // Soft RX on 5, Soft TX out on 4
//SoftwareSerial(rxPin, txPin)

int resetOpenLog = 6; //This pin resets OpenLog. Connect pin 6 to pin GRN on OpenLog.

int statLED = 13;
char tempString[6];

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  pinMode(statLED, OUTPUT);

  setupOpenLog(); //Resets logger and waits for the '<' I'm alive character
  Serial.println("OpenLog online");

void loop() {
  gotoCommandMode(); //Puts OpenLog in command mode
  Serial.println("Should be 91234"); // That's the first 5 ASCII characters in the file, which should display next (and does).
  // Begin code from Sparkfun OpenLogRead()
  OpenLog.print("read ");
  OpenLog.print("6.csv");  // I have the identical data saved as a CSV and as a TXT. Neither one works as desired. 
  OpenLog.print(" 0 5");
  OpenLog.write(13); //This is \r

  //The OpenLog echos the commands we send it by default so we have 'read log823.txt\r' sitting 
  //in the RX buffer. Let's try to not print this.
  while(1) {
      if( == '\r') break;

  //This will listen for characters coming from OpenLog and print them to the terminal
  //This relies heavily on the SoftSerial buffer not overrunning. This will probably not work
  //above 38400bps.
  //This loop will stop listening after 1 second of no characters received
  for(int timeOut = 0 ; timeOut < 1000 ; timeOut++) {
    while(OpenLog.available()) {

      int spot = 0;
      while(OpenLog.available()) {
        tempString[spot] =;
        if(spot > 98) break;
      tempString[spot] = '\0';

      Serial.write(tempString); //Take the string from OpenLog and push it to the Arduino terminal, successfully outputs "90009" in ASCII
      timeOut = 0;

 // End code from Sparkfun OpenLogRead()

//char tempString[6] = "91234"; // When this line is uncommented, the below code works. Clearly the Char[6] derived from the CSV file is NOT the same as the Char[6] defined when this line is active
int Dir = tempString[0] - '0'; // The first number (index 0) of the INT indicates stepper direction, 9 is clockwise (positive) and 1 is CCW (negative)
Serial.println("Should be 9");
Serial.println(Dir);          //Dir Should be 9, but it is -48

int PulseInt = 0; //This will hold the actual stepper motor pulse commands
int TempInt = 0;  //Temporary integer value used in the below For loop. 

for(int Spot = 1 ; Spot < 5 ; Spot++){  // This For loop converts the ASCII Char into Integer (skipping index 0). It takes the indices 1-4 and determines the desired stepper location, in pulses. 
  TempInt = tempString[Spot] - '0'; 
  PulseInt = PulseInt + TempInt*pow(10,(4-Spot));

Serial.println("Should be 1234");
Serial.println(PulseInt); // This should be 9, but is 

     //Infinite loop
  while(1) {
    digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(13, LOW);


void gotoCommandMode(void) {
  //Send three control z to enter OpenLog command mode
  //Works with Arduino v1.0

  //Wait for OpenLog to respond with '>' to indicate we are in command mode
  while(1) {
      if( == '>') break;

void setupOpenLog(void) {
  pinMode(resetOpenLog, OUTPUT);

  //Reset OpenLog
  digitalWrite(resetOpenLog, LOW);
  digitalWrite(resetOpenLog, HIGH);

  //Wait for OpenLog to respond with '<' to indicate it is alive and recording to a file
  while(1) {
      if( == '<') break;

You can try the atoi () function instead. … toi-in-cpp