Support for Macraigor OCDemon / Raven cable

I may be able to borrow a Raven parallel port JTAG cable. As far as I can tell, this cable is not yet supported by OpenOCD.

I’m offering to try to make this work with OpenOCD. I have an LPC2148 on an embedded artists development kit to test it with.

Is there anything known already about the protocol used by this JTAG cable?

In this case, use the Amontec Chameleon POD.

The chameleon POD can be used as Wiggler and as Raven. Just change the config of the Chameleon .

BUT, using the Chameleon POD, you could use the Amontec JTAG Accelerator core configuration and you will reach speed 3x faster than a Macraigor Raven! JTAG Accelerator is supported by OpenOCD, thank to Dominic .

Raven is $750.- Chameleon POD is €119.- . And you have much more with Chameleon POD since you can download Xilinx Altera too !


I’m not looking for a new JTAG cable, I’m offering to add support for this specific cable to OpenOCD. If someone already has a Raven cable, then the cost is $0.

Anyway, I just noticed an older post where it is indicated that the parallel port protocol used by the Raven is closed, so it’s probably quite hard to add support for it to open-source OpenOCD:
