SuzyQable , ChromOS debug cable "retired" from shop

The SuzyQable , ChromOS debug cable was “retired” recently., it was on sale but out of stock yesterday.

It’s used by Chromium OS/ChromeOS developers to debug the kernel , but it’s also used to disable the write protection on the firmware so your able to flash a more generic coreboot UEFI and boot whatever OS you want, without having to open the Chromebook and remove the battery.

There’s a fare few people trying to buy one of these if you look at forums , reddit , facebook groups. From what I understand there still distributed to chromos/chromium os developers. Did google or chromium os developers ask you to stop selling this because of it’s use in “jail breaking” chromebooks? Are you still selling it to google?

Is there anywhere else I can buy one?

We can’t get them anymore :frowning:

(the sale was to liquidate our remaining stock)

As for where to get one, I was never here … -suzyqable