SW Maps is connecting to a base station on the other side of the world.

Hey there,

I feel that SW Maps is connecting to the wrong base station through rtk2go.com. Look at my attachment for my question and photos.

I did forget to mention in the .pdf that my basestation has a couple of trees around it, they probably block out less than 20% of the sky and I am getting over 25 satellites. I don’t imagine that is my problem.



NTrip wrong station.pdf (252 KB)

The same thing happens to me and I raised it here in the forum.

I can’t figure out what’s going on.

I emailed the creator of SWmaps and received no response.

My base appears in the middle of Asia.

viewtopic.php?f=116&t=58176&sid=478aef1 … ceb0cfed3e

I keep waiting and looking for solutions.

Hi amlago - You did receive a response from Avinab: viewtopic.php?f=116&t=58176#p235303

Hi checkinhere001 - Your intuitions are correct, if your base station is generating bad RTCM corrections, the rover will only ever get RTK float, at best.

If either of you can log 30 seconds worth of binary RTCM data from the problematic base(s) and post it, we’d be happy to take a look. I’m not sure I’m talented enough to pinpoint the problem, but I welcome the challenge.

Hello, the base station works very well in my case. In the post I put together, I clarified that.

It is the SWmaps that misinterprets or differs from the 1006 message sent by the station.

I get fixed solutions almost instantly, but the base location appears on the other side of the world.

The same or similar happens to the user of this post.

The UYTT station I discussed works well with a variety of surveying equipment and applications.

Ah, my apologies. I interpreted your post differently. If you get the chance, please post RTCM.

I’ll try to figure out how to record that RTCM data. In the mean time, this is my ntrip status.

http://rtk2go.com:2101/SNIP::MOUNTPT?ba … chleyfarms

From this webpage it places a pin correctly where my base is located in South Dakota, not in Africa. So does this mean my RTCM should be correct and it’s a SW Maps issue?

Either way, I’ll work on posting my data.

With my limited knowledge of SWmaps, I would say that at least it does not interpret the base location message correctly, in this case 1005.

Try to write to the programmer of the application.

You’re welcome to ping SW Maps for help; I suspect they will need RTCM to troubleshoot the problem. If you are using the ZED-F9P breakout, RTCM will be streaming out of UART2. Using a USB to Serial bridge (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/15096) you should be able to capture the data using any serial terminal program set to log to a binary file.

Is there a way to get that RTCM data by using U Center?

Yes. You’ll need to enable the 5 RTCM messages to output over USB. This tutorial will give you some basics: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/se … orary-base

https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/learn_t … branch.jpg

Once RTCM is arriving over USB, hit the record button in u-center (red circle) and store ~30 seconds worth of data.

I recorded the data, but it is in a .ubx format and I cannot seem to upload that file type. What should the file extension be for this file?

Thanks for the help. I’m fascinated with this RTK stuff and I feel like I am so close to getting my dream setup working.

I got RTK Fix!!! I am pretty embarrassed by this, but I think I had poor antenna placement. The antenna is mounted on a roof very near the peak of the roof. I figured it was good enough because I was still getting around 25 to 30 satellites, but this morning I raised it up 3 feet above the peak of the roof. Sure enough, I am at RTK Fix almost all the time now. I still have a couple trees close to it, I assume that is why I don’t have FIX all the time.

Evidently I underestimated how clear a view of the sky the antenna needed. It looks like I will need to find a better place to mount my base.

SW Maps still seems to show a base location in Africa, so evidently those numbers mean something else and I was going down the wrong rabbit hole.

Thanks again for the help!

Glad to hear it! That explains the RTK float vs fix issue but not the station location being reported incorrectly. Either way, have fun with RTK!

Although it is working, I am curious by nature. In my attached photo, should the highlighted information say:

Base Antenna: schleyfarms

Base Latitude= 45.xxxxN (the location of the base in my backyard)

Base Longitude= 90.xxxW (the location of the base in my backyard)

Or is this information shown in the photo something else that has nothing to do with the location of my base.

It doesn’t matter if you know or not since my base is working. I’m just curious.


I’m still investigating the wrong location of the base in SWmaps. The corrections work very well.